AIGC Youth Immersive Creative Art Exhibition

2023 Chinese Global Youth Development Summit (Shenzhen) & The Great Bay Youth Summit (Shenzhen, Hongkong, Macau)

6-7 August 2023

Qianhai, Shenzhen, China

50 artworks were selected out of more than 1000 submissions.

Post-AI Era: The Spiritual Exploration of Robots

Inspired by Andrej Karpathy’s thought on AGI (artificial general intelligence). He imagined that if AGI’s exist, they might appear idle to human beings, exploring deep questions on their own. Therefore, these images are created based on the “post-AI era”, where robots embark on a journey of self-discovery. The three images illustrates how robots might engage in (1) meditation and enlightenment, (2) exploration of the world, and (3) retreating to remote mountains to observe the cycles of nature and contemplate the possibilities of inner peace.


後AI時代 - 機器人的心靈探索

受Andrej Karpathy對AGI思考的啟發, 他預測到假如AGI存在, 也許他們並不太會與人類互動, 而會獨自去思考deep questions.

所以這系列圖分別展示著在後AI時代, 機器人(1)禪修悟道,(2)探索世界,(3)隱居深山,觀花開花落冥想的可能性。